Update to the client

As I promissed last time, I published an update to the client today. Changes are already described in details in previous posts. A quick recap:

  • Lots of bug fixes (including the 3+ players shuffle crash);
  • Key indicators in the player tabs;
  • Tokens support!

I think the tokens support is a major step forward since it will allow many previously unplayable games to be played!

As previously mentionned, to experience any of the new features you’ll have to update your games and sets definitions.

Explore posts in the same categories: OCTGN.net

28 Comments on “Update to the client”

  1. Yo momma Says:


  2. Gaspare Says:

    Hey Jods.

    In case you didn’t sse the email, maybe i foound something the can help you to solve the problem regarding .NET and sentinel client which prevents octgn from being installed on windows seven. I’ll paste the 2 messages I found.

    Original message:


    I try to deploy an application through ClickOnce. I use .NET Framework
    3.5SP1. In Publish/Prerequisites I require the entire framework (not only
    the client profile) and checked “Download Prerequisites from the component

    vendor’s web site”.

    When I try to install, I get a message:

    assembly Sentinel.v3.5Client Version be installed in the Global
    Assembly Cache (GAC) first.”

    I found very little information about this Sentinel.v3.5Client assembly. It

    is a requirement in the manifest file.

    How can I deploy my application?”


    The problem is that even if I requested the full .NET Framework in
    prerequisites, I checked in Application tab the “Client-only Framework

    subset”. That was generating a link to Sentinel.v3.5Client in my Manifest.

    Unchecking the Application/”Client-only Framework subset” solved the

    Is it of any help to you??

    Thanks for the new release !!

  3. Oen Says:

    NICE! Can’t wait to add all the sets now. šŸ™‚ To the forums I go!

  4. jods Says:

    @Gaspare (and all other Win7 users):
    I’ve tried to do what you wrote.
    Now OCTGN doesn’t require the “Client-only .NET framework”, but the full .NET package. This doesn’t change much to most of you anyway (hopefully)…

    Let me know if it works better now.

  5. Gaspare Says:

    No luck šŸ˜¦

    It gives me the same error. At this point I will wait for a bugfix by microsoft, it’s clear that we have a bug of .NET or windows seven..

    Thanks jods for the attempt šŸ™‚

  6. jods Says:

    Sorry about that… That’s the joy of running beta software šŸ˜‰

    Use this instead, but please note this won’t update automatically when I publish fixes or new features:

  7. Gaspare Says:

    It works like a charm :). I guess that the problem is related to clickonce in some way. I hope that microsoft will fix it…

    Thanks jods, you are really da man! šŸ˜€

  8. Gtarguy Says:

    Thanks a lot, my friends and I really appreciate this!

  9. Kempeth Says:

    Very Nice.

    Thank you jods for all your work. Any hints what comes next?

    *hopes for two-sided table and custom counters*

  10. Eos Says:

    D: I cant update my card sets from megaupload cause apparently im still downloading a file, which isnt true. Is there any other website i can download the patch for the sets?

  11. jods Says:

    *Probably* two-sided table and top/bottom piles manipulations (e.g. view top 3 cards of your library and move them).

    Try searching for OCTGN2 on filebeam.com

  12. Aggersborg Says:

    Cool keep getting better and better. But how do I create a token šŸ™‚

  13. jods Says:

    You mean when playing or when creating a game?

    To create a token when playing, your game has to provide an action to create a token (right-click on the table) -> that’s why you need some updated game definition to be able to use this feature.

    That brings up the “Create card” dialog (screen shot available in my previous post). There you can choose the kind of card you want to create (and optionnally the number of cards to create) and that’s it. If this window is empty it’s because your sets don’t provide any tokens -> that’s why you need updated sets files.

  14. Kempeth Says:

    @jods: cool cool coooool…

  15. BoB Says:

    Thanks šŸ˜€ managed to find a link for the card sets. But i still cant see the create card function for some reason. I think my OCTGN is already updated as when i opened it recently, a message popped out saying that it was updating something, which i presumed was OCTGN, but i still cant see it.. any suggestions guys?

  16. jods Says:

    BoB, what is your OCTGN version (it’s displayed on the first screen) and what game precisely are you using (name, version, etc.)

    In order to be able to use the create token feature you have to run at least OCTGN and the game definition has to make the function accessible (generally by adding an action to the table).

  17. BoB Says:

    My OCTGN version is and im currently playing magic the gathering. However when im playing a game, when i right click i cant see to find the action for creating a token.

  18. Gaspare Says:

    Only 10th edition has tokens right now, so if you have installed other sets, you wont see any other token. šŸ™‚

    Be sure to have installed the last version both of 10th edition and magic module ( and respectively)

  19. jods Says:

    BoB, if you don’t see “Create token…” in the menu when you right-click on the table, it’s because you don’t have the latest MtG definition.
    Look for it on the internet (e.g. filebeam.com) and be sure to take the latest one (currently labelled

  20. BoB Says:

    Cool, i found it on filebeam.com, but its in .txt form… How do i convert it to the file format to be opened by OCTGN?

  21. BoB Says:

    K nvm found out how to change the file extension. Thanks alot guys :D.

  22. comport9 Says:

    Filebeam keeps saying I’m putting in the wrong code. Could someone e-mail me the definition?



  23. Makkert Says:

    A bit of a problem here on install…


    System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Kan geen exemplaar maken van in assembly OCTGN, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null gedefinieerde LauncherWindow. Het doel van een aanroep heeft een uitzondering veroorzaakt. Fout in opmaakbestand Launcher/LauncherWindow.xaml regel 1 positie 19. —> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Het doel van een aanroep heeft een uitzondering veroorzaakt. —> System.ArgumentException: De aangevraagde waarde LINKS is niet gevonden.
    bij System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase)
    bij System.Windows.Input.KeyConverter.GetKey(String keyToken, CultureInfo culture)
    bij System.Windows.Input.KeyConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object source)
    bij System.Windows.Input.KeyGestureConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object source)
    bij System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(String text)
    bij System.Windows.Input.KeyGesture.CreateFromResourceStrings(String keyGestureToken, String keyDisplayString)
    bij System.Windows.Input.KeyGesture.AddGesturesFromResourceStrings(String keyGestures, String displayStrings, InputGestureCollection gestures)
    bij System.Windows.Input.NavigationCommands.LoadDefaultGestureFromResource(Byte commandId)
    bij System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.GetInputGestures()
    bij System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.get_InputGesturesInternal()
    bij System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.get_InputGestures()
    bij Octgn.Launcher.LauncherWindow..ctor()
    — Einde van intern uitzonderingsstackpad —
    bij System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
    bij System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
    bij System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
    bij System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
    bij System.Windows.Markup.BamlRecordReader.CreateInstanceFromType(Type type, Int16 typeId, Boolean throwOnFail)

  24. jods Says:

    This doesn’t look like an install problem. More a runtime one (i.e. the program crashes).

    I am 99% confident this is a culture-related problem.
    I’ll look at it asap (but maybe not this week-end, I’m quite busy).

    In the meantime, if you can: try to change your culture settings to english before running OCTGN, maybe it will help.

  25. Oen Says:

    (06:06:02 PM) JudgeX: I’ve only run into one problem with its usage
    (06:06:05 PM) JudgeX: one.
    (06:06:10 PM) JudgeX: out of about 40 games
    (06:06:36 PM) JudgeX: and that was… I couldn’t figure out a way to “look at the top 4 cards of your library, put one into your hand, and the rest on the bottom of library in any order”

  26. jods Says:

    yep, this is one of the next features coming… (When I actually get the time to code something) <_<

  27. kersh317 Says:

    Hey guys, question: Where can I find more sets of Magic than just the last 6 for OTCGN2? Ideally I’d like to have all 15000+ cards, as I know was possible with the first OTCGN- or is there a way to convert those old card (.txt) files used in the first OTCGN to the new type (.oSc) used in OTCGN2?

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