Update 0.9: Python scripts

I am going to publish 0.9 as soon as I have the time to (it’s ready).

The big change in 0.9 is that game authors can now create their action using Python rather than the xml system used before. It took me more time than I thought to define the API exposed by OCTGN, but this is very important as it is at the same time hard to get right the first time, but can’t be changed without breaking the compatibility with existing games.

Support for xml is going to be dropped in 1 or 2 releases, so:

  • Game authors, be sure to update your games to use Python instead of xml. Starting on this wiki page: http://www.wikihost.org/w/octgn/scripting_in_python/ you’ll find all information you need.
  • Players, be sure to grab an updated release of your games as soon as possible. You don’t need to re-install your sets (unless something else is changed in the game, of course).

This new scripting system is extremely powerful and it already solves many issues / limitations of the old xml scripts. You can expect to see it at many other places in the future, here are a few ideas:

  • Use scripts to describe how limited games more complex than “sealed” can be played (e.g. Rotisserie, Draft, Cube and so on).
  • Have an interactive console inside the game itself. So that players can load and run script that help them play their decks (e.g. if you play some combo-deck using a lot of counters on cards, you could automate a lot of manipulations).
  • Expose more hooks from OCTGN, so that players or game designers could automatically perform some actions on events such as loading a deck, starting a turn, and so on…

Finally I am going to create a new board on our forums so that people can discuss Python scripts there.

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One Comment on “Update 0.9: Python scripts”

  1. SahuginDra Says:

    First one to produce a basic, deck-specific AI wins?

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